Effective Date: 30th October 2024
Modern Slavery Policy
John Ryan Freight Services is committed to avoiding any association with modern slavery. We proactively manage modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains and expect our suppliers and partners to share this commitment.
Over 40 million people worldwide are subject to modern forms of slavery, with the majority occurring in the Asia-Pacific region. There are an estimated 15,000 slaves in Australia today. Businesses, governments, investors, and consumers all have a role to play in eliminating modern slavery.
This policy outlines John Ryan Freight Services' commitment to:
- Avoiding modern slavery in its operations and supply chains.
- Encouraging team members to promptly advise management of any potential modern slavery risks.
- Maintaining policies and processes to mitigate the risk of any association with modern slavery.
- Ensuring any allegations of modern slavery in our operations or supply chains are thoroughly investigated and proactively addressed.
- Meeting and exceeding obligations under modern slavery laws.
This policy applies to all John Ryan Freight Services employees, contractors, subcontractors, and volunteers (team members). We also seek a commitment from our suppliers and partners to comply with this policy.
In this policy:
- Modern slavery means exploitative conduct as defined under modern slavery laws. It includes human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage, and the worst forms of child labour.
- Modern slavery laws refer to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
- Modern Slavery Statement means the statement prepared by John Ryan Freight Services under section 1 of the modern slavery laws.
- Operations means activities undertaken by a business to pursue its objectives and strategy.
- Supply chain refers to products, services, or labour that contribute to a business’s own services and products.
Compliance with Modern Slavery Laws
John Ryan Freight Services will comply with modern slavery laws by:
- Exercising due diligence when procuring goods and services.
- Conducting appropriate monitoring and contract management of key suppliers of goods and services.
- Preparing and submitting an annual Modern Slavery Statement.
Identifying and Managing Modern Slavery Risks
John Ryan Freight Services will assess modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chain, including suppliers one or more steps removed. Risks may be categorised as:
- Industry risks – Associated with specific activities or industries.
- Geographic risks – Related to the location goods or services are sourced or provided from.
- Product/service risks – Associated with how a product or service is delivered or produced.
- Entity risks – Based on the risk profiles of suppliers, their history, or relevant characteristics.
John Ryan Freight Services is committed to:
- Regularly reviewing company policies and practices to ensure no direct or indirect contribution to modern slavery.
- Training team members to identify modern slavery risks.
- Proactively managing any identified modern slavery risks.
Senior Leadership Team responsibilities include:
- Overseeing the identification and management of modern slavery risks in operations and supply chains.
- Ensuring the policy is implemented and communicated across the business.
- Investigating any reports or allegations of potential links to modern slavery in operations or supply chains.
- Ensuring supplier compliance in line with the John Ryan Freight Services Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Preparing an annual Modern Slavery Statement.
Team Members are expected to:
- Be vigilant in identifying risks that:
- Operations may cause or contribute to modern slavery.
- Supply chains may be linked to modern slavery.
- Report any circumstances indicating a potential link to modern slavery to a Senior Leadership Team member or the General Manager, People & Culture.
Suppliers must:
- Share our commitment to fighting modern slavery.
- Adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which requires:
- Full compliance with laws about working hours, wages, and other benefits.
- Zero discrimination based on age, disability, gender, marital status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, political views, or any legally protected attributes.
- No use of child labour.
- No forced or bonded labour.
- Prohibition on requiring individuals to hand over passports or visas as a condition of employment.
John Ryan Freight Services takes the issue of modern slavery very seriously.
- Team members may face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, for breaching this policy.
- Relationships with suppliers or other entities may be terminated if they breach this policy or modern slavery laws.
Contact Information
If you have questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at:
Email: sue@jrfs.com.au
Phone: 1300 609 968
Mailing Address:
John Ryan Freight Services
PO Box 676, Park Ridge Qld 4125
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